1. About the Fabian Society

Tell us your views as a member of the Fabian Society. By taking part, you'll help shape our priorities and our future work.

All replies are strictly confidential

Question Title

* 1. Why are you a member of the Fabian Society?

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* 2. Which of these do you value most from your membership? (select up to three from the list)

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* 3. Your views on the Fabian Society: do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree
The Fabian Society is strongly committed to diversity, equality and inclusion for people from all backgrounds
The Fabian Society presents a wide range of political viewpoints from across the British left
Fabian Society membership is good value for money
The Fabian Society has a high profile in the media and receives a lot of coverage
The Fabian Society has a close and influential relationship with the leadership of the Labour party
The membership of the Fabian Society is diverse and brings together people from all backgrounds
The Fabian Society is too factional and should do more to welcome people from all parts of the Labour party
The cost of Fabian Society membership excludes too many people
The Fabian Society does not do enough to involve members in its work and ensure their voice is heard
The Fabian Society’s fundraising practice is ethical and transparent
The Fabian Society has a strong nationwide presence and serves its members well across all parts of the UK
The Fabian Society needs to do more to recognise the negative aspects of its own history
The Fabian Society is effective at influencing political and public debate

Question Title

* 4. What should be the top priorities of the Fabian Society over the next 3 or 4 years? (rank in order)

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* 5. You and the Fabian Society: do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree
Within the Fabian Society I feel I am respected, valued and treated equally
The Fabian Society is a welcoming place for people like me
I understand the aims and purpose of the Fabian Society
I think of myself as a Fabian
Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic I have got more out of my membership of the Fabian Society
I would like more ways to get involved in the work of the Fabian Society

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* 6. Do you feel the Fabian Society programme is:

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* 7. Overall how do you rate the following Fabian Society outputs and activities?

  Very good Good Average Poor Very poor Don't know or not experienced
Fabian reports and pamphlets
The Fabians on facebook
Fabian online events (since Covid-19)
The Fabian email newsletter
Fabian Society branding and design
The Fabian Review
The Fabian website
Fabian face-to-face events (before Covid-19)
The Fabians on twitter

Question Title

* 8. In the last year or so have you taken part in any Fabian Society activities run by our members? If so, how do you rate them?

  Very good Good Average Poor Very poor Don't know or not experienced
Fabian policy groups
The Young Fabians
Welsh Fabians
Scottish Fabians
Local Fabian Societies
Fabian Women's Network

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* 9. Do you have any comments on the way society's activities have changed during the Covid-19 pandemic? What should we learn from 2020 for the future?

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* 10. How do you usually read our publications?

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* 11. How often do you read Fabian Society research reports and pamphlets we send you by post?

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* 13. Do you receive the Fabian email newsletter?

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* 14. Do you have any comments about the Fabian Society website?

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* 15. Do you have any comments about Fabian Society events or online events?

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* 16. Do you have any comments about the Fabian Review?

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* 17. Do you have comments about Fabian pamphlets and reports?

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* 18. What was the best Fabian publication you remember seeing over the last few years?

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* 19. Is there anything the Fabian Society should do more of, or less of?

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* 20. What should the Fabian Society do to be more welcoming and inclusive to people from all backgrounds?