Feeling Connected
in North East Derbyshire and Chesterfield

'Social Connectedness' is about a person's social support network - their personal relationships and interactions with others that make them feel good and bring them happiness.

The 'Feeling Connected' project wants to find out about social connectedness in North East Derbyshire and Chesterfield. We want to understand how we can help people who feel lonely and isolated to make more and better social connections, so that they feel happier and enjoy better health and wellbeing.

Please help us by completing this survey.

Closing date is 14 February 2020.
1. About You:
Your Gender:
Employment Status
General Health:
Number of people in your household:
Where do you live? (first 4 digits of your postcode)
2. Do you feel 'connected'?

(a) Please tick to tell us whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I feel connected to a circle of family, friends and people that I know
I feel I belong in the place where I live
If I want to, I feel I can take part in the things that happen in my community
If I need a bit of help or advice about something, there's someone I feel I can talk to
There are place(s) in my community where I can meet and talk with others
(b) How many different people would you say you chat to ('connect with') in an average week? (please tick)
(c) Overall,how do you feel about these connections? (please tick)
3. Please tell us about your connections:

(a) If any, what sorts of things do you do to keep yourself connected?
Please tick all that apply
(b) Please tell us a bit about your activities (what, where, how often...):
4. Please tell us about the things that stop you from feeling connected to others:

(a) What sort of things make it hard for you to have social connections?
Please tick all that apply
(b) Please explain your answers or tell us about other barriers we haven't mentioned above:
5. How can we help you and/or your community feel more socially connected?
Please tell us what you would like to do. What would make a difference for you and for others?
Thank you for your time.