Take the survey & support Télécoms Sans Frontières

Thank you for agreeing to take part in our Future of the telecoms business survey which will support multiple TM Forum research reports to be published between May and December.

The survey explores the visions and expectations of senior telecoms executives with regards new lines of business and business models. While communications service providers (CSPs) offer the same core services, they are taking different approaches to diversification. We are seeking to understand these differences, specifically how CSPs are approaching the Internet of Things and 5G. Are they aligning their organizations for success in these areas? Do they know precisely what parts of the value chain they wish to occupy and the associated business model? And are they building IT and network capabilities that are consistent with this vision?

Please note that survey results will only be presented in aggregate, and individual responses will be kept strictly confidential and anonymous.  If you are interested in participating in a follow-up interview with the author, you will have an opportunity to indicate this at the end of the survey. 

Help Télécoms Sans Frontières - TM Forum will donate $5 to Télécoms Sans Frontières for every completed survey (up to a maximum value of $1,000). Télécoms Sans Frontières is the leading international NGO specialising in technology and telecommunications for humanitarian crises. Find out more.

Thank you for your contribution to this important survey and for helping support Télécoms Sans Frontières.

Mark Newman
Chief Analyst, TM Forum 

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your company’s primary line of business (choose one).

Question Title

* 2. What should telecoms operators aspire to become as part of their digital transformation programs (choose one)?

Question Title

* 3. What are your expectations for the global telecoms industry over the next 2-3 years (choose one)?

Question Title

* 4. When you consider platform business models, which of the following visions align most closely with your telecoms operator customers?

  Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree
Senior management doesn't really know what a platform business is or how it relates to their business
Telecoms operators are experimenting with platform business models, but this is only really for new lines of business and there is no real expectation that it will become a major line of business for them
They are building their IT and network systems with an expectation that, in the medium to long term, they will support platform business models

Question Title

* 5. When assessing the potential of 5G, how much impact will the following new services have on the telecoms operator business?

  Big short-term and long-term impact Big long-term impact Little impact on our business in the short or long term
Private networks for the B2B market enabled by network slicing
Fixed wireless access
Enhanced mobile broadband services enabling the launch of unlimited mobile data price plans
Virtual and enhanced reality services

Question Title

* 6. Rather than buying 5G services from licensed operators, enterprises could operate their own 5G networks. To what extent do you agree with the following statements about 5G in the enterprise market?

  Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disgree
Some enterprises, particulaly those with large campuses, will buy 5G networks directly from network vendors.
Private 5G networks will become an important new line of business for mobile operators
Network slicing will allow mobile operators to provide dedicated network and service capabilities to individual enterprises
5G will complement rather than compete with WiFi in the enterprise market
5G will emerge as a competitor to WiFi in the enterprise market