Equal Opportunities Form (2022/2023)

Welcome to the Equal Opportunities form for Sound and Music

Sound and Music is committed to ensuring that all applicants to its programmes and opportunities are treated equally and without discrimination.

This form is intended to help us continue our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion across all of our work, by contributing to our understanding of who currently engages with our activity and where barriers to engagement lie.

Questions are optional and we respect your right not to provide all or some of the requested information. The more information you do supply, the more effective our monitoring will be and the more we can continue to make improvements.

The responses captured in this form are used anonymously. By filling out the form you’re helping us to gain insight into who is selected for our programmes, and to address barriers to inclusion.

By completing and submitting this form you are consenting to our processing of any personal data and sensitive personal data for the purposes stated above, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
1.Please select which opportunity you have applied for(Required.)
2.Please tell us where you heard about this opportuntity
3.Is this your first application to Sound and Music?
4.Please select the gender you identify as:
5.My gender is different to the one I was assigned at birth
6.How do you define your sexual orientation?
7.Are you currently living in the UK?
8.If you are not currently living in the UK, which country are you currently based in?
9.What is your current postcode area? (e.g. "M1", "SE24","PE30")
10.Which of the following categories would best describe your ethnicity? (These categories are based on those used in the 2011 UK Census)
11.Please enter your age
12.Do you consider yourself to have a disability under the Equality Act 2010?
13.What was the occupation of your main household earner when you were about aged 14?
14.Which type of school did you attend (for the most time) between the ages of 11 and 16?
15.Did either of your parents or primary carers attend university?
16.Have you ever been eligible for free school meals?
Thank you for taking the time to submit this form.