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Question Title

* 2. Job Title:

Question Title

* 3. How did you rate the episode?

Question Title

* 4. How do you rate the quality of speaker? Alison Kennedy Stomaltherapy Nurse, Sydney, Australia 

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* 5. How beneficial to your practice did you find the talk on exploring common indications for stoma formation?

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* 6. How do you rate the quality of speaker? Liz Scudamore, Paediatric Stoma Care Nurse at Sheffield Children’s Hospital

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* 7. How beneficial to your practice did you find the talk on stoma care in schools?

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* 8. How was the duration of the episode?

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* 9. What aspect of episode 3 did you find most informative?

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* 10. How beneficial to your practice did you find this episode?

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* 11. Was having the episode pre-recorded of benefit to you?

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* 12. How did you hear about Discover Series?

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* 13. Did you find the pre-recorded educational episodes easy to access?

0 of 17 answered