Research on the impact of substance misuse on the communities of Tallaght Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force. Please take the time to complete this questionnaire for this important research.  All responses are anonymous.

2.Age Range
3.Which of the following areas best represents where you live/work/represent
4.Which of the following best describes your relationship with this area.
5.How long have you lived/worked/attended education/had family here.
6.Over the past three years, would you say that the situation in relation to substance misuse in your area is.
7.What are the main reasons for this. (Please choose up to three) 
8.Which of the following are the main problem Drugs. (Please choose up to three) 
9.Would you say that you are impacted by substance misuse.
10.If you answered yes to the previous question, Is this impact as a result of substance misuse by.
11.What are the visible and non-visible impacts of substance misuse on the communities in Tallaght & Whitechurch.
12.What areas of Tallaght & Whitechurch are most impacted by substance misuse issues and why do you think that this is the case.
13.What do you think of the current level of investment to address substance misuse issues in Tallaght & Whitechurch.
14.What more do you think is needed to effectively tackle the substance misuse issue, please choose your top three preferences.
15.Based on your experience and what you have seen in recent years, what have been the main population changes in your area and how have these impacted on your community.
16.We have included a range of statements to elicit views about how substance misuse might impact on future attitudes to living in the area.  Please tick the one that best represents your view.
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered