The Victoria Westminster Business Improvement District (BID) was established in 2018 following a successful ballot of local businesses with an overwhelmingly positive 83% ‘yes’ vote.  
Since 2018, through the BID, the private sector has invested £4.9m across a range of projects and services to create an outstanding trading environment for our businesses, their staff and customers. Our work ranges from additional street cleaning and security patrols, to cultural events, marketing/promotional support, strategic public realm improvements and building economic resilience (in recent times helping our members through post-Brexit and COVID recoveries). 
With our current term coming to an end, we are looking to the future and preparing our 2023-28 Business Plan that will outline our proposals for continuing to support the area for another five years. To enhance the impact of our work, we are proposing to combine the existing Victoria Westminster BID with the neighbouring one in Whitehall and expand the footprint slightly to create a new ‘Westminster Whitehall’ BID.
As our funding comes from local businesses, it is vital that you contribute to and shape this plan so that we deliver against your priorities. We would therefore be delighted if you could take a few minutes to complete this survey, and please do share this with colleagues if you wish.
We understand your time is precious so to say “thank you” to all who have completed this survey, we would like to enter you into a prize draw to win a one night stay with breakfast for two people at the Conrad London St. James hotel. Please indicate your agreement to this by entering your details into Q24. 
In line with GDPR, your information and responses will be dealt with in strictest confidence and no information will be shared with other parties. 
The proposed Westminster Whitehall BID footprint is set out below:

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* 1. Please provide the following information

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* 2. What sector do you work in?

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* 3. Are you familiar with the work of the Victoria Westminster BID?

Public Realm Management

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* 4. A high quality physical environment is key to the experience of working in and visiting the Victoria Westminster area so we aim to raise the standard of our public spaces. Our cleaning team delivers an enhanced service above Westminster City Council’s standard provision and we’re also introducing more ‘greening’ to our streets.

Please rate the importance to you of the following initiatives:

  1 - Not Important 2 3 4 5 - Very Important
Pavement deep cleaning and jet washing
Litter picking/sweeping
Graffiti removal
On-call janitorial service
On-street planters, hanging baskets and parklets

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* 5. How would you rate the cleanliness and appearance of Victoria Westminster’s streets and public spaces compared to elsewhere in London?

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* 6. Are there any further services that you would like to see the BID deliver under the theme of Public Realm Management?

Strategic Vision and Placemaking

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* 7. The BID is a key player in the future development of the area, working with key partners such as Westminster City Council, Transport for London and Network Rail at a strategic level to create a vision for an improved public realm and sense of place. We will focus on creating new public green spaces, wayfinding, reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality and encouraging walking & cycling.

Please rate the importance to you of the following initiatives:

  1 - Not Important 2 3 4 5 - Very Important
New public gardens and green spaces
Widened pavements and more pedestrian space
Redeveloped and improved Victoria Station
Improved cycling infrastructure (cycle lanes / safe cycling routes and bike parking)
Greater use and activiation of the public space along the Riverfront
Better signage and wayfinding
Reduced vehicle traffic
Consolidation of freight collections and deliveries
Greater availability of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles

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* 8. Are there any further initiatives that you would like to see the BID deliver under the theme of Strategic Vision?

Community Safety and Business Resilience

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* 9. We run a number of initiatives to keep our community safe – whether they prevent crime and anti-social behaviour or enhance our collective resilience to major incidents such as civil emergencies and terrorism.

Please rate the importance to you of the following initiatives:

  1 - Not Important 2 3 4 5 - Very Important
Security Patrol Team
Business-to-business radio scheme
Bikeregister marking events
Counter-terrorism awareness training
Tabletop exercises in partnership with the police
Emergency Notification System (alerts regarding security incidents and disruptive events)
Training and support for licensed premises and night time venues.

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* 10. How safe do you feel in the area?

  1 - Not Safe 2 3 4 5 - Very Safe
During the day
During the evening/night

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* 11. Do you have any other suggestions on what we could do to make the area safer?

Marketing and Promotion

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* 12. Our showcasing of what the area has to offer in terms of its retail, leisure, hospitality, history and culture ensures that it’s one of the capital’s premier destinations. We also collaborate with other central London BIDs and business groups to campaign on issues affecting the business community.   

Please rate the importance to you of the following initiatives:

  1 - Not Important 2 3 4 5 - Very Important
Visitor welcome and information service (e.g. on-street ‘Ambassadors’)
Privilege Card offers
Email newsletters
Website content and listings
Social media content
On-street events and activations
Networking events
Christmas lights
Collecting and sharing footfall data
Lobbying central and local government for investment in the BID area
Participating in pan-London promotional campaigns such as ‘Let’s Do London’ and ‘London’s Love Affair’

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* 13. Are there any other ways in which the Victoria Westminster BID could promote the area?

Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG)

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* 14. The BID has the ability to be a positive influence on our local community and beyond, assisting members with their ESG ambitions and directly implementing our own interventions. With regards to environmental concerns, Westminster City Council has set a target of becoming a carbon neutral City by 2040.

Please rate the importance to you of the following initiatives:

  1 - Not Important 2 3 4 5 - Very Important
Local mentoring and volunteering opportunities
Mental health and wellbeing activities for staff
ESG best-practice sharing and training
Grant funding for local charities
Outreach and support services for those who are homeless or otherwise vulnerable on the streets
Reducing waste and improving recycling rates
District-wide renewable energy provision
Assistance in sourcing local products and supplies

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* 15. Does your organisation have an ESG (or similar) policy in place?

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* 16. In addition to the measures outlined in Q14. is there anything else you think the BID could be doing to support ESG objectives either for your individual organisation or the area as a whole?

Final Thoughts...

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* 17. Are there any other projects or services you would like to see the BID deliver over the 2023-28 period that haven’t already been mentioned?

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* 18. Please rank the key themes in order of priority for you:

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* 19. Would you like to be involved in the steering groups which manage the key themes?

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* 20. Do you support the merger of the current Victoria Westminster and Whitehall BIDs to create a new ‘Westminster Whitehall’ BID?

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* 21. In view of the range of benefits and enhancements that the BID has provided, in principle would you be in favour of the BID continuing for a further 5 years from 2023-28?

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* 22. We will create a business plan based on the feedback from this consultation and our other ongoing interaction with the local business community; this will be published in the autumn of 2022 ahead of the ballot early in 2023.

To ensure that we liaise with the correct person within your organisation for the ballot, are you likey to be the one responsible for voting?

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* 23. Any other comments:

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* 24. If you would like to be entered into the prize draw please provide your details below: