How do you feel about risk?  Record answers to all questions. It is important that this is done so honestly – there is no right or wrong answer. Please bear in mind the questions relate to the individual generally, rather than any particular investment that is being considered.

Question Title

* Please answer each question below

  Strongly Disagree Disagree No Strong Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
People who know me would describe me as a cautious person.
I feel comfortable about investing in the stock market.
I generally look for safer investments, even if that means lower returns.
Usually it takes me a long time to make up my mind on investment decisions.
I associate the word "risk" with the idea of "opportunity".
I generally prefer bank deposits to riskier investments.
I find investment matters easy to understand.
I'm willing to take substantial investment risk to earn substantial returns.
I have little experience of investing in stocks and shares
I tend to be anxious about the investment decisions I've made.
I'd rather take my chances with higher risk investments than increase the amount i'm saving.
I'm concerned by the volatility of stock market investments.

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* .

  Risk averse Somewhat risk averse Neither risk averse nor a risk taker A moderate risk taker A risk taker
Overall, how would you place yourself on the following scale

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* Do you have any specific financial goals for this investment?  If you have multiple goals, please choose the main one that applies to you.

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* How much of your investment could you afford to lose without reducing your future standard of living?

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* When is the earliest you plan to take money from your investment?

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* How do you plan to take money from your investment?

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* How likely is it that you will need to take money from your investments earlier than planned?

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* Please enter your full name