Feedback: Genius Finder Pro
Feedback: Genius Finder Pro
Thank you for completing the Genius Finder Pro.
Please would you take 2 minutes to give us your feedback, by answering the following 9 questions:
Please rate the Genius Finder Pro for USER EXPERIENCE on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being amazing and 1 being not good at all.
1 - Not good
2 - It's ok
3 - Indifferent
4 - Good
5 - Amazing
1 - Not good
2 - It's ok
3 - Indifferent
4 - Good
5 - Amazing
And for ACCESSIBILITY on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being amazing and 1 being not good at all.
1 - Not good
2 - It's ok
3 - Indifferent
4 - Good
5 - Amazing
1 - Not good
2 - It's ok
3 - Indifferent
4 - Good
5 - Amazing
Next, for USABILITY on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being amazing and 1 being not good at all.
1 - Not good
2 - It's ok
3 - Indifferent
4 - Good
5 - Amazing
1 - Not good
2 - It's ok
3 - Indifferent
4 - Good
5 - Amazing
Now rate the usefulness of the STRATEGIES on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being amazing and 1 being not good at all.
1 - Not good
2 - It's ok
3 - Indifferent
4 - Good
5 - Amazing
1 - Not good
2 - It's ok
3 - Indifferent
4 - Good
5 - Amazing
Finally, rate the REPORT on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being amazing and 1 being not good at all.
1 - Not good
2 - It's ok
3 - Indifferent
4 - Good
5 - Amazing
1 - Not good
2 - It's ok
3 - Indifferent
4 - Good
5 - Amazing
What worked well for you using the new Genius Finder Pro?
What didn't work well?
What would work better or what improvements would you make?
Would you recommend the Genius Finder Pro to others?