Exit Membership Survey 2023 Question Title * 1. What was the main reason your company joined the NIA? Networking and business development/commercial opportunities Industry intelligence and technical information Support with Government relations and stakeholder engagement Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Rank the NIA member relations activities in order of importance to your business. Question Title * 3. Do you think we hold the right number of business group meetings throughout the year? Yes, perfect No, way too many No, we need more Question Title * 4. How can our business groups be improved? Question Title * 5. What area of the NIA's external affairs work is most important to your business? Existing fleet operations and maintenance Decommissioning Large-scale new build, including Hinkley Point C and Sizewell C SMR new build and licensing Fusion Fuel and fuel cycle research Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Rank these NIA external affairs activities in order of importance to your business Question Title * 7. Do you have a dedicated communications and/or government affairs team? Yes, both Communications Government Affairs Neither Question Title * 8. Do you know your local MP? No Yes, but limited engagement Yes, actively engaged Question Title * 9. What do you think should be the priority issue for the NIA to work on in 2023/24? Lobbying for UK new build programme and removing barriers to development Supporting a stable investment in decommissioning and the nuclear fuel cycle Supply chain intelligence and opportunity mapping Improving co-ordination of work between NIA and other nuclear bodies Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Are there any additional services you would like to see from the NIA, (e.g. political engagement training sessions for members?) Question Title * 11. So we can enter you into our prize draw, can we have the below information Name Company Email Address Phone Number Done