This survey is designed to identify which skills educators value most highly regarding the employability of sport and exercise science graduates - the skills that make them most effective and successful in employment. It also assesses perspectives on how well graduates demonstrate these skills within employment and how their higher education prepares them for this. The survey captures views from a wide variety of organisations – both in academia and in industry – who are working in the broader sport, exercise or related sectors, and not only science.

It is important that industry is clear, consistent and effective in communicating their requirements to students and universities, and that higher education is responsive and effective in meeting these needs. This survey offers an opportunity to have your say. Gathering these perspectives will firstly allow higher education to better design courses and learning experiences that develop more employable and skillful graduates, and secondly to identify where industry and academia can collaborate for each other’s benefit, to ensure graduates get the best opportunities to have impact in the workforce.

The main focus of the survey is on the professional skills and characteristics required in employment (in any industry, not just sport and exercise sciences), such as application and problem-solving, inter-disciplinary working, communication and team-work etc. We want to know how important you think these these skills are to employers, and how well you think graduates are prepared for them. Regarding the technical abilities of graduates, the context here is to examine the application of knowledge, along with the capability to work within and across the different sub-disciplines and specialities of sport and exercise science. Regarding the professional and vocational skills, the context is to identify what characteristics and skills are required to succeed in employment, irrespective of the technical focus.

All responses will be confidential and anonymized, and no identifying information will be made visible in the reporting. There is opportunity for feedback and critique within the survey itself, and most importantly, we intend to follow up on the key findings and themes that emerge from this exercise. We will invite further consultation, commentary and perspective on what you tell us here.

The survey requires approximately 25 minutes to complete.

We are very grateful for your interest, time and insight.

With thanks in advance.