Question Title

* 1. Would an increase in the required attendance for TCM’s affect your site?

i.e. if the TCM requirement increased from 20% would it affect staffing/site operations?

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* 2. Should TCM attendance requirement be calculated on a site-by-site bases or just a simple uniform rate?

i.e. should attendance be based on the risk level of each site (eg location/local environment) or just the same for all AD plants

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* 3. Should TCM attendance vary depending on the size of plant/feedstock or remain the same?

i.e. smaller scale farm sites vs larger food waste sites

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* 4. Should poorly performing sites be required to have a higher TCM attendance?

i.e. if they have a poor CAR report, pollution incidents, accidents, enforcement notices

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* 5. Should TCM attendance requirements be based on a 24hr operation?

i.e. should the % attendance be worked out over 24hr/day operation or just the staffed/site operating hours

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* 6. Any other comments or questions?

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* 7. Contact details

Note: your contact details are for internal-use only so ADBA can follow-up directly with you. We will not share your contact details with any other party.