Reviewing your project- Managers Investing in Leadership Excellence (MILE)

We would love to know what you have thought of our project

Thanks to everyone who has been so positive about the MILE Pathway project. It has been so lovely meeting and working with such amazing colleagues in social care. If you haven’t had chance to look at the website it has over 650 opportunities on it, and we've been updating this regularly at We've also loved producing our weekly MILE newsletter full of development opportunities to get involved in.
I've personally enjoyed talking to so many of you about your development and aspirations. It's been fabulous to meet so many warm and generous people who want the very best for their staff teams and the people we support. I'd be really grateful for your feedback on our project and look forward to working with you more in the future.
Thanks in advance Juliet
1.Which  parts of the MILE pathway have you engaged in?
2.Would you recommend the MILE pathway to others?
3.Do you feel projects like MILE support and advocate for managers in social care?
4.Would you promote the role of a registered manager to others?
5.Is there one thing that could happen that would make you more likely to promote the role of a registered manager to others?
6.Can you offer any personal information on how you have engaged with MILE and if this has benefitted you in any way?
7.Do you have any recommendations for us all at the MILE project team?
8.If you would like to be contacted to find out more about the MILE project or other future projects please add your email address