PEACEPLUS is a new European Union funding programme designed to support peace and prosperity across Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland, building upon the work of the previous PEACE and INTERREG Programmes. The design reflects the importance of peace-building activity, but also the importance of actions that will contribute positively to the economy, building prosperity and adjusting to the new environment and challenges we face. Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council PEACEPLUS Partnership will deliver a Local Action Plan across three thematic areas to the value of up to £6.1 million. The Local Action Plan will be delivered along the principles of "co-design", which means we need to consult with as many "stakeholders", people and organisations as possible, including the public. Your responses to the survey will help us to identify need and prioritise projects for PEACEPLUS throughout the Borough.
1.Which District Electoral Area (DEA) do you live in?
2.Can you tell us about the Strengths/Positive features of the District Electoral Area in which you live?
3.Can you tell us about the Weaknesses/Gaps of the District Electoral Area in which you live?
4.Can you tell us about any opportunities that you see or are
possible in the District Electoral Area in which you live?
5.Can you tell us about any Cross-Border (Any activity that includes an organisation from the Republic of Ireland) opportunities that you see or are possible in the District Electoral Area in which you live?
6.Have you ever participated in any of the previous PEACE Programmes (PEACE I, PEACE II, PEACE III, PEACE IV)?
7.If yes, what were the positive elements of it?
8.If yes, what could be improved about it?
9.PEACEPLUS is a new PEACE Programme and will be delivered by CCGBC through the PEACEPLUS Partnership as the Local Action Plan, it will be delivered under 3 Thematic Areas:

-Local Community Regeneration and Transformation,

-Thriving and Peaceful Communities,

-Building Respect for all Cultural Identities,

 Local Community Regeneration & Transformation

This theme will look at “Transformation and re-imaging of individual or collective areas within a community including existing buildings, open spaces, streetscapes etc in a manner which challenges initial perceptions and increases the level of shared pride in an area;”

This could result in projects like,

-The Development of new or enhanced facilities within existing buildings, which will enable increased levels of cross community interaction and service provision. The focus of these new or enhanced shared spaces will vary and include areas such as social enterprise, community development, tourism, education, sport, culture etc.


-The Development of new shared outdoor spaces which enable increased levels of cross community interaction and where possible capitalise upon natural assets;


-The Development of new community navigation projects and schemes, which facilitate increased levels of cross community mobility within target areas or


-The Development of co-designed cross -community place making plans.


When thinking about “Local Community Regeneration and Transformation” as described above, can you describe what a successful project or vision for this theme would look like, what would the outcome look like to you?
10.Thriving & Peaceful Communities

This theme will look at developing Programmes:

-designed to build the capacity of local organisations through cross community collaboration.

- designed to develop new community leaders and enhance the capacity of existing leaders and volunteers to promote and facilitate peace and reconciliation.

-designed to enable cross community interaction and collaboration across a broad range of areas of mutual interest including parenting, arts and culture; sport; and social innovation / enterprise.

-Community action projects designed to provide additional activity and services in key areas such as education, health and wellbeing and the environment

-Community events and festival programmes

-Gender specific support programmes,

-Programmes developed to provide social and emotional support and opportunities for people of all ages,

-Programmes involving social prescribing initiatives,

-Community justice interventions that contribute to peace building and positive relations.


When thinking about “Thriving & Peaceful Communities” as described above, can you describe what a successful project or vision for this theme would look like, what would the outcome look like to you?
11.Celebrating Cultures & Diversity

This theme will look at developing Programmes:

-which build, improve and sustain relationships between and within communities by addressing issues of trust, prejudice and intolerance,

-which result in increased levels of understanding and integration of minority communities, including newcomer families,

-Conflict resolution interventions (including anti-sectarian initiatives), which contribute towards building positive relations.

-Programmes which increase civic participation, including those by minority and newcomer communities (this may include the requirement for language support)

-which facilitate positive cultural expression within diverse communities, which increase levels of mutual understanding, trust and respect.

-which engage those reluctant to engage/ alternative views/ hard to hear/ seldom heard, which if not supported to engage and therefore heard or challenged, will contribute to the status quo for the entire community.

-Programmes which increase knowledge and understanding of individual and collective history and heritage


When thinking about “Celebrating Cultures & Diversity” as described above, can you describe what a successful project or vision for this theme would look like, what would the outcome look like to you?
12.Do you have anything else that you would like to add or contribute about PEACEPLUS?

Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered