Please take a few moments to complete our parental communication survey so that we can strengthen communication between home and school, your feedback is really valuable to our school improvement processes.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Parent/Carer of

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* 3. Which means of communication do you currently use to contact school?

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* 4. Are you happy with the communication you receive from school about your child's learning and progress?

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* 5. Which means of communication is the most useful to you when receiving information from school?

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* 6. Are there any other ways you feel we could share information with you about your child?

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* 7. Do you ever use the school website?

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* 8. Have you any additional comments about the school website?

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* 9. Do you ever look at the school's Facebook page?

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* 10. Would you be willing to allow school to extend the use of the Facebook page to further celebrate the fabulous things that go on in school, by adding photographs of you child taking part in their learning? We would not use children's names.