Care Leavers Survey
My name is Samantha O’Rourke and I am a postgraduate law student at Cardiff University. I am completing a dissertation which aims to explore policy provisions and support networks available for care experienced young people who do not go on to study at university. I would like to find out your views on whether you feel you have been adequately supported after leaving care and whether you feel this could have been improved. You will be asked to complete a series of short questions about your experiences and why you chose not to go to university.
Participation in this survey is voluntary. You can stop answering questions at any time before completing the questions and the data won’t be stored. However, once the survey is completed you won’t be able to withdraw your data as it is completely anonymous.
If you feel upset or stressed by the questions at any time, you can access resources and support from organisations such as the Care Leavers Association at or Coram Voice at In addition, you may be entitled to ongoing help and support from your local authority as an eligible care leaver until you turn 25. Your data will not be given to any third parties so you will not be contacted by any leaving care organisations.
By continuing you consent to your participation in the study.
If you feel upset or stressed by the questions at any time, you can access resources and support from organisations such as the Care Leavers Association at or Coram Voice at In addition, you may be entitled to ongoing help and support from your local authority as an eligible care leaver until you turn 25. Your data will not be given to any third parties so you will not be contacted by any leaving care organisations.
By continuing you consent to your participation in the study.