
Welcome to the application form to be a Regional Adviser for the Blagrave Trust!

You can save the form and return to it. You can request a word version of the form if you prefer, from tessa.hibbert@blagrave.org

If you have accessibility requirements, we offer you the option to submit your application verbally via a meeting, phone call, or voice notes. To submit a spoken application in this way please call Tessa Hibbert on 07354 189336 before the deadline so we can arrange a time for you to do this.

We have included a section on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. This will be detached from the remainder of the form and will not be seen by the people running the interview process.

The closing date for applications is 5 July 2024. Please note interviews will be on 19 July 2024 (online).

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* 1. Personal information

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* 2. How did you hear about this opportunity?

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* 3. What is your connection with Berkshire, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Sussex and/ or Wiltshire?

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* 4. What is your connection with youth services? If you have a job title, please give it here

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* 5. What excites you about being part of this project? (max. 150 words)

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* 6. What relevant skills and knowledge do you have that may apply to this role? (max. 250 words) This could include prior skills gained from voluntary or paid work, personal projects, or anything else that would aid you. Please share links if appropriate.

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* 7. What do you hope to gain from this experience? (100 words)

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* 8. Is there anything you would like us to know to support your application beyond the above questions posed?