Autism strategy

Neurodiverse Self Advocacy survey for Autism Strategy

This is a quiz about important issues to consider in designing local autism support services. Please help us to  shape the services so they deliver what autistic people really want and need.
Thank you very much in advance.
1.You are
2.Which region do you live in
3.Do you feel that existing autism (or neurodiversity) services in your area satisfy your needs
4.Autism services that are important to me are
Very important
Somewhat important (a little)
Not important
Access to diagnosis
Autism / neurodiversity training for professionals
Pre-diagnostic support while waiting
Information, referrals  and advocacy on my health and benefits/social care needs
Post self-identification/post-diagnostic support processing the diagnosis / autism understanding
Autistic peer support group/ ND group
Building positive autistic identity and self confidence
Help problem solving/achieving my goals/ peer mentoring 1:1
Support for my family
Education for my extended family and friends
Educating and building acceptance of autism/ND in my community
Support for my parenting
Support with diagnosis/SEN/EHCP for my children
Day services doing arts/mindfulness/activities
Goal oriented 1:1 peer mentoring for my needs
General befriending having a coffee with a volunteer
Help developing life skills
Help developing communication
Independent travel training
Help into employment/ to retain employment
Help advocating for myself in health services
Help with benefits
Help with social services
Help with police/criminal justice
Support with romantic relationships with existing partner
Finding a relationship partner
5.The post diagnostic support should
6.The post-diagnostic support should (check all that applies)
7.Post diagnostic support should
8.Post diagnostic support should
9.The areas of support for autistic people should be prioritised as follows
Most important
Second in importance
Changing the narrative of autism (or ND) from deficits to strengths
Mental health and wellbeing
Family and relationships
Advocacy in health and social care/benefits
Criminal justice
10.The services for autistic people should be led by
11.I need the services delivered
12.Please describe a service you would like to use
13.Organisations such as NAS, and national charities  for ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Tourette, Dyscalculia etc  are effective at supporting me
14.Organisations helping me effectively should (tick all that applies)
15.The organisations supporting autistic / ND people locally should
16.Organisations helping autistic people and organisations for ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Tourette etc., should
17.Concerning the payment for the support for autistic / ND people,
18.There should be awareness campaigns helping the wider community to understand the positives of autism / ND and bust the stereotypes
19.About you. Would you describe yourself as
20.Would you describe yourself as
21.Would you describe yourself as having
22.Do you consider yourself disabled?
23.Do you consider yourself to be part of Black African, Caribbean or Ethnic Minority (including Asian) group?
24.Doyou consider yourself to be part of LGBTQIA+
25.Do you consider that your strengths are (tick all that applies)
26.Are you employed?
27.What would be the biggest positive change at work? (tick all that applies)
28.Anything else you would like the autism strategy to consider?
29.Do you have
30.How many times per year do you see your GP
31.Howmany times per year do you see a consultant
32.Have you received a good autism support service? Please describe the service and what was good about it