GCSE Curriculum Survey

As part of our ongoing review into the senior school curriculum we would be grateful for your views and comments on our GCSE provision. Please answer questions as you are able to depending on the ages of your children, and please make use of the comment boxes for anything you wish to add in each section.
1.Year group of your BGS child(ren)(Required.)
For your reference, this table shows the outline of our current GCSE structure.
2.I am/was pleased with the range of GCSE options available
3.I am/was pleased with the choices that my child was able/will be able to make within the GCSE structure
4.I felt my child chose the correct GCSE options for them
5.Please add anything you wish to comment on regarding the GCSE options process at BGS
6.I was pleased with my child's GCSE outcomes
7.I feel that my child was well-prepared for Sixth Form study
8.The overall work demands at GCSE are/were manageable
9.Please add anything you would like to comment on regarding the experience of the GCSE years
10.I am/was happy with my child studying for 11 GCSEs
11.I would like my child to have/have had the option to choose to do
12.I think that these subjects should be compulsory at GCSE
13.Is there anything you would like to see offered to Years 10 and 11 that is not currently in our package?
Thank you for your time in completing this survey. If there is anything else that you would like to add, please contact Graham Clark, Assistant Head (Curriculum and Co-curricular), via gclark@bgs.bristol.sch.uk