This Survey investigates user experience of biophilic design principles within everyday spaces

This research will be used for my Master's in Interior Design. Exploring the benefits of integrating biophilic principles, to promote well-being, into everyday spaces.

Biophilia: humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life. Satisfying this innate need increases our health and well-being and can be achieved by incorporating Biophilic design principles into our environments.

This survey is voluntary, anonymous and confidential: you may skip questions, stop at any time and request your data not be used.

 If you have any questions regarding this survey or would like to give further information please email

* Please note: by continuing you are consenting for your data to be used by Rebekah Forsyth within her 2022/23 Masters's Degree. Your time and responses will be greatly appreciated.

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* 1.
Do you enjoy seeing nature incorporated into your everyday environment?

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* 2. In what ways do you currently incorporate biophilic design practices into your own Private Spaces?

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* 3. In what ways would you like to include more biophilic design elements into your current private spaces, and what is stopping you from implementing these changes?

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* 4. In which ways does your business or workspace incorporate biophilic design  into your environment?

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* 5. In what type of business/workspace do you work? e.g. Home office, manufacturing department, shared office..

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* 6. In what ways would you like to improve your workspace and what is currently stopping you from including these design elements?

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* 7. How often do your favourite community spaces include elements of biophilic design?

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* 8. Which do you prefer?

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* 9. What's your age?

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* 10. Where do you currently live?