Exit Barnet Homes BOOST Training and Employment Survey Please complete all questions below: Question Title Are you a: Barnet Homes Tenant Private Sector Tenant Owner Occupier Barnet Homes Tenant Private Sector Tenant Owner Occupier Other (please specify) Question Title Q1. Has anyone in your household? (tick all that apply) a. tested positive for Covid-19 b. been asked to shield c. been vaccinated d. none of the above Question Title Q2. Do you think Barnet Homes should do anything differently in the future because of Covid-19? Question Title Q3. Do you plan to get vaccinated? Yes, I have already been vaccinated Yes, I plan / have already booked to get vaccinated No, I don't plan or want to get vaccinated Yes, I have already been vaccinated Yes, I plan / have already booked to get vaccinated No, I don't plan or want to get vaccinated If, No (Please tell us why not) Question Title Q4. Has your employment status changed as result of Covid-19? a. No change b. Yes - I changed my job c. Yes - I reduced my working hours d. Yes - I have been furloughed e. Yes - I lost my job (please tell us what your last job was) f. I have not worked since before Covid-19 started (Jan 2020) a. No change b. Yes - I changed my job c. Yes - I reduced my working hours d. Yes - I have been furloughed e. Yes - I lost my job (please tell us what your last job was) f. I have not worked since before Covid-19 started (Jan 2020) Other (Please specify or tell us what your last job was) Question Title Q5. How would you describe the impact on your finances of Covid-19? No impact Minor impact Moderate impact Severe impact No impact Minor impact Moderate impact Severe impact Question Title Q6. Have you used any of the following sources of help during Covid-19? (tick all that apply) a. Made a claim for Universal Credit b. Got Debt Advice c. Used a Food Bank d. Taken out a loan e. Borrowed from friends/family f. Used Crisis Loan g. Used COVID 19 Winter grant h. Used Self-Isolation grant I. Used Self-Employment grant Other (Please specify) Question Title EmploymentQ7. Are you working at the moment? a. Yes b. No – but I am looking a. Yes b. No – but I am looking c. No - I can’t work (please specify) Question Title Q8. What type of work are you looking for? (tick all that apply) a. Full time b. Part time c. Apprenticeship d. Self-employment/I want to start my own business Question Title Q9. How can we help you find work? (tick all that apply) a. Help me create or improve my CV b. Help me with interview skills c. Give me career advice d. Help me to get online e. Help me with job searching f. Help me with application forms g. Help me with training in new skills h. Help me with work experience I. Find me a traineeship or apprenticeship Other (Please specify) Question Title Q10. What job areas would you consider? (tick your top three) a. Care and Health b. Construction c. Retail d. Security e. Administration/office work Other (Please specify) Question Title Training Q11. What sort of training would you be interested in? (tick your top three) a. Online courses – no trainer b. Online workshops - with a trainer c. Online group workshops - with a trainer d. One-off webinars e. Classroom group training f. Online courses with accreditation g. Virtual work placement (a chance to shadow someone in a real-life work situation) Other (Please specify) Question Title Q12. What subjects are you interested in? (tick your top five) a. Personal development – for example confidence building or time management b. Technical skills - for example in construction or security c. Presentation Skills d. Using IT e. Employability skills – writing CVs, doing interviews etc. f. Community involvement – setting up or helping local projects or resident groups g. Creative arts h. DIY Skills I. Health and Wellbeing Other (Please specify) Question Title Career Advice/Re-skillingQ13. Have you considered changing career because of COVID? a. Yes - please tell us more below b. No What new career are you interested in? Question Title YOUNG PEOPLE - only answer if there is anyone in your household aged between 16 and 24 otherwise go straight to Question 16. Q14. How have they been impacted by COVID? a. Made unemployed b. Started Universal Credit claim c. Affected their education d. Affected their mental health Other (please specify) Question Title Q15. Are they looking for… (tick all that apply) a. Work b. Apprenticeship c. College or Sixth Form place d. Traineeship e. Careers Advice f. Kickstart Scheme g. Nothing at the moment Other (please specify) To find out more about any of these options complete the details at the end of the survey Question Title Digital Q16. What is your usual way to get online? a. Using my phone b. Using home broadband a. Using my phone b. Using home broadband Other (Please specify) Question Title Q17. What’s the main device that you use to get on the internet? a. Phone b. Tablet c. Laptop/ Personal Computer d. I don’t have any device a. Phone b. Tablet c. Laptop/ Personal Computer d. I don’t have any device Other (Please specify) Question Title Q18. What social media do you use to stay in touch? (Please tick your top 3) a. Facebook/Messenger b. YouTube c. Instagram d. Twitter e. TikTok f. LinkedIn Other (please specify) Question Title Q19. What online services do you use? (tick all that apply) a. Shopping b. Banking c. Job searching and job applications d. Landlord/Council Portals e. Online gambling f. Online training g. Social Media Other (please specify) Question Title Q20. How would you describe your digital skills? Good Intermediate Poor Good Intermediate Poor Please give reasons for your answer Question Title Q21. Would you be interested in any of the following digital skills training? (tick all that apply) a. Better use of my computer b. How to use a mobile/smart phone c. Staying in touch online – emails, social media d. Microsoft Office Excel/Word/PowerPoint e. How to do presentations online f. Staying Safe Online g. Online Banking h. How to search/apply for jobs i. How to use communication platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Skype Other (please specify) Question Title Q22. Do you consider yourself to have a physical, mental, or sensory disability or impairment, or a long-term illness that limits your day-to-day activities? a. Yes b. No a. Yes b. No Question Title Personal Information Age: Gender: Ethnicity Question Title If you or any member of your household need help with managing household bills, paying rent, claiming benefits, finding work and training, support for young people or any of the options mentioned in this survey please give us your details and we will arrange for an adviser to contact you My name: My address: Postcode: My phone number: My email: Question Title How would you describe your ethnic origin? Arab Asian - Bangladeshi Asian - Chinese Asian - Indian Asian - Pakistani Any Other Asian Background (please specify below) Black - African Black – Caribbean Black - British Any Other Black Background (please specify below) Mixed - White and Black African Mixed - White and Black Caribbean Mixed - White and Asian Any Other Mixed / Multiple Ethnic Background (please specify below) White - British White - Irish White - European Gypsy / Irish Traveller Any Other White Background (please specify below) Any Other Ethnic Group Prefer Not to Say If you have specified Other (please give details here) ConfidentialityThe answers you provide will be used by Barnet Homes and our parent company, The Barnet Group, to improve the services we offer and we may share this information with our partners for the same purpose. By answering these questions you give us permission to do this.Further information about how Barnet Homes manages personal data can be found at: http://thebarnetgroup.org/bh/about-us/privacy-policy/ DONE