Starting your F1 programme

Question Title

* 1. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I know what is expected of me.
I am familiar with the environment in which I work as an F1.
I am familiar with all the equipment I am required to use .
I am familiar with all of the necessary IT systems

Question Title

* 2. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I am competent in performing practical procedures.
I am competent in recognising the critically ill patient.
I am competent in patient handover

Question Title

* 3. To what extent do you agree with the following statements

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Confident in recognising the acutely mentally unwell patient
Confident in assessing cognition
Confident performing a capacity assessment
Confident in conducting a mental state examination

Question Title

* 4. To what extent do you agree with the following statements. I am confident in..

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Formulating physical health diagnoses
Formulating mental health diagnoses

Question Title

* 5. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I have met my clinical supervisor and planned my learning development for this placement.
I feel supported by members of the clinical team.
I know who to ask for help in hours.
I know who to ask for help out of hours.

Question Title

* 6. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I know how to order appropriate investigations
I know how to access the results of the investigations
I know how to access information e.g. antibiotic prescribing policies.
I know when to call for senior support

Question Title

* 7. I understand the requirements of the e-portfolio

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I understand the requirements of the e-portfolio
I have used a similar e-portfolio as a medical student
I feel the e-portfolio will help me to manage and develop my learning and training.

Question Title

* 8. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statement: I was adequately prepared for my first foundation post.

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* 9. Please identify up to 3 areas where you felt well prepared.

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* 10. Please identify up to 3 areas where you felt your preparation was inadequate

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* 11. In this post how often have you felt forced to cope with clinical problems beyond your competence or experience?

Question Title

* 12. Please identify which parts of your induction course have proved valuable in preparation for work as an F1 so far.

  Very useful Quite useful Neutral Not useful No training opportunity provided Training opportunity not attended
F1 top tips from outgoing F1s
Drug Prescription training
Fluid prescription training
Management of critically ill
IT training
Transfusion training
Anticoagulation / VTE prophylaxis
e-portfolio training
Equipment training
Networking opportunity (social event)

Question Title

* 13. Prescribing - I feel confident in prescribing the following drugs

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Simple analgesics
Narcotic analgesics
Inhaled steroids
Antimicrobial treatment
Oral anti-diabetic drugs
Iv fluids
Anti-anxiety medications
Drugs for management of agitation and delirium

Question Title

* 14. with regard to the PSA (Prescribing Safety Assessment)

Question Title

* 15. Have you been involved in any near misses or critical incidents since commencing your F1 post? Please indicate below; you may choose multiple options

  No Near miss Critical incident with no significant harm Critical incident with significant harm (e.g. extended length of stay) Critical incident with permanent harm (e.g. ICU admission, mortality, morbidity)
Drug prescription error
Fluid prescription error
Recognition of the critically ill patient
Use of equipment
Transfusion error

Question Title

* 16. Please indicate how many days of induction you attended

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* 17. If a programme similar to the FiY1 had been offered for 2021 would you have participated

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* 19. Please give any feedback which might help us to understand any modifications to your training due to COVID - please provide positive and/or negative examples

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* 20. What impact, if any, do you feel the COVID-19 pandemic had on your transition to FY1?

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* 21. Please indicate your gender

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* 22. Please indicate your age group

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* 23. Please indicate your ethnic origin

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* 24. Any other comments?