Squamous cell carcinoma patient experience survey

This survey is about the skin cancer services you have received with York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Taking part is voluntary however all responses help us to shape and improve our services so that the highest standards of care are achieved. Thank you.
1.Did you receive your skin cancer diagnosis during the lockdown period of the Covid-19 pandemic?
2.How did you receive your skin cancer diagnosis?
3.How do you feel about the way you were informed?
4.Did you have someone with you to support you at this time?
5.Were you given the contact details for your clinical nurse specialist who acts as your keyworker (telephone number/ email address)?
6.Did you understand the explanation of your diagnosis?
7.Were you given clear information about your skin cancer diagnosis?
8.How did you receive information about your diagnosis and pathway?

9.Were you involved as much as you wanted to be in decisions about your care and treatment?
10.Were you offered a Holistic Needs Assessment? This is an opportunity to discuss your needs and concerns including physical, social, psychological and spiritual.
11.If you did speak to someone about your needs and concerns, who did you do this with?
12.Which speciality have you been seen by?
13.Were you given a full skin examination? This is where a doctor checks all of your skin to ensure there are no other lesions of concern.
14.If so, at what point did this happen?
15.How easy is it for you to contact your named Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)?
16.How has your Clinical Nurse Specialist helped you?
17.When you had important questions to ask a doctor, did you understand the answers?
18.While at hospital, did you feel you had enough privacy...
19.Were you treated with dignity and respect throughout your care?
20.If there was a support group would you be interested in attending it?
21.If you attended an education session, did you find it beneficial?
22.Do you think the face-to-face education session was delivered at the right time during your journey?

23.If you have accessed the online patient education session, how helpful did you find it?
24.If you have accessed the hospital skin cancer website, how helpful did you find it?
25.Is there any additional information you would have liked us to provide you with relating to your diagnosis, treatment or moving on following diagnosis?
26.Is there anything you'd like to tell us about your care and treatment, either positive or an area for improvement?
Current Progress,
0 of 26 answered