The FIA has been working to promote the interests and concerns of our industry in Brexit issues such as UKCA. To ensure we are being as effective as possible in representing the views of our members and the fire industry to key stakeholders, it is crucial that we have accurate and up-to-date information from you.
Our industry has been through a drastic period of change over the last few years due to the Grenfell Tower tragedy, Brexit and most recently COVID-19.

In 2020, we undertook a survey and produced a report that explored the impact of COVID-19. This year we aim to unpack the impacts of Brexit.

We value your opinion and look forward to hearing how Brexit has affected you and your business in our latest survey. It would be greatly appreciated if you can you take a few minutes to complete the survey here.
Also, leaving your data is voluntary at the end of the survey. It is safe with us as we never share your details with anybody.
GENERAL. Here are several questions that give us a top-line overview of how Brexit has affected you and your business. Many of these questions are also found in our Market Conditions Surveys.

Question Title

* 1. What area of the fire industry do you represent?

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* 2. Are you a member of FIA

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* 3. Does your business export to the EU?

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* 4. Does your business import from the EU?

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* 5. What percentage of your products by sales value typically went into the EU pre-Brexit?

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* 6. What percentage of your products by sales value typically went to the rest of the world [excluding the UK] pre-Brexit?

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* 7. By what percentage has your export business increased or decreased in the last 12 months when compared to the previous year?’

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* 8. How much effort did your organisation do to prepare for Brexit?

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* 9. So far, to what degree has your business been affected by post-Brexit factors including changed administrative requirements?

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* 10. Thinking about the future,  how do you anticipate your organisation will be affected by Brexit in the next 3-5 years?

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* 11. If you are concerned about Brexit, what is your biggest concern? (Select all that applies)

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* 12. FIA values your feedback. What other issues are you concerned about as a result of Brexit

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* 13. In your opinion who should be more involved to help your business with Brexit?

Question Title

* 14. How could the FIA help?

GOVERNMENT GUIDANCE.We reached out to the Government to see if they would like any questions asked to our members. As always, they are keen to hear your responses on the following questions around governmental guidance

Question Title

* 15. Do you believe the current governmental guidance on Brexit is clear?

Question Title

* 16. The United Kingdom left the European Union is January 2020. This was followed by the start of a ‘transition period’, during which the terms of the arrangements between the EU and the UK were to be negotiated. Do you think that…?

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* 17. Are you aware of any further information available from the UK Government about how to follow the new rules that are now in place between the UK and the EU?

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* 18. Has your business recently visited GOV.UK to seek information about how to follow the new rules that are now in place between the UK and the EU?

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* 19. What areas do you still need further Brexit-related guidance on?

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* 20. Is your company a manufacturer and do any of your products require CPR compliance?

 UKCA. In order to better represent your views to the government and approval bodies on the impact the UKCA mark is having on your business it is key for us to get up to date information from you. The following questions will help us to help you.

Question Title

* 21. What percentage (%) of your CPR relevant products currently have the UKCA marking?

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* 22. What percentage (%) of your CPR relevant products will need to carry both the UKCA and CE marking at the end of the transition period (1 January 2022)?

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* 23. What percentage (%) of your CPR-relevant products do you expect to have UKCA marking by the end of the UKCA transition period (1 January 2022)?

Question Title

* 24. What other key questions/comments do you have on the UKCA marking?

Your participation in the next 3 questions is voluntary. You may choose not to participate.  We would like to collect your details to include you in the £50 Amazon voucher lottery. We do not share your details with anybody and the data provided will be used only in relation to this survey

Question Title

* 25. First Name

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* 26. Surname

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* 27. Your Email

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* 28. Name of the organisation you work for