Improving Health In Harrow Survey
What is the first part of your postcode?
Who is your current General Practitioner (GP) Practice?
Aspri Medical Centre
Bacon Lane Surgery
Belmont Health Centre
Circle Practice
Civic Medical Centre
Elliot Hall Medical Centre
Enderley Medical Centre
Enterprise Practice
First Choice Medical Care
GP Direct
Hatch End Medical Centre
Headstone Lane Medical Centre
Headstone Road Surgery
Honeypot Medical Centre
Kenton Bridge Medical Centre - Dr Abu
Kenton Bridge Medical Centre - Dr Raja
Kenton Clinic
Kings Road Surgery
Mollison Way Surgery
Northwick Surgery
Pinn Medical Centre
Pinner Road Surgery
Pinner View Medical Centre
Ridgeway Surgery
Roxbourne Medical Centre
Savita Medical Centre
Shaftesbury Medical Centre
Simpson House Medical Centre
St Peter's Medical Centre
Stanmore Medical Centre
Streatfield Medical Centre
Streatfield Surgery (Streatfield Health Centre)
Zain Medical Centre
Other (please specify)
What are the biggest health issues facing you, your friends, family and/or community? Please include as many as you like (e.g. mental health & wellbeing, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, hearing problems, social/economic factors etc.)
What health and care services do you access? Choose as many as you like
Addiction and substance misuse services
Adult social work advice and guidance
Cardiovascular services (for lung and breathing problems)
Cancer services
Community / district nursing
End of life care
Eye health services
Health services specific for older/elderly people (e.g. memory or joint services)
Nutrition / dietetic services (healthy eating advice)
Heart failure services
Housing advice
Mental health services
Midwifery & health visiting for young children
Occupational therapy
Pharmacist / chemist
Physiotherapy (specialist in conditions/injuries impacting movement)
Podiatrist (foot specialist)
Rapid response services (urgent at-home care for patients with complex health conditons)
Sexual health services
Social prescribing (referrals to community services/activities, e.g. volunteering, arts, sports, cookery, befriending)
Speech and language therapy
Vision / hearing impairment services
Other (please specify)
None of the above
In your opinion, what small changes could be implemented to make local healthcare facilities more accessible for residents?
Please add any additional comments or suggestions about health and care
services in your neighbourhood below.