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Vote For Your Best Publishers In The Henries Best Service To The Independent Retailer Awards 2022
Tell Us Which Publishers Offer The Best Service...
Please Vote In The Henries’ Best Service To The Independent Retailer Awards 2022...
Dear Retailer
Ensure the right companies are rewarded - we really need your input!
As a regular reader of ProgressiveGreetings magazine and/or, you will no doubt be aware of TheHenries - the greeting card equivalent of the Oscars. Among the most coveted of all the categories are the Bronze, Silver and Gold trophies for the BestServiceToTheIndependentRetailer.
As a retailer in these testing times, you are a master at providing a service to customers, but which of your greeting card suppliers have provided you with the best service in the last year?
We would really appreciate it, if you could just spare some time to nominate your top three suppliers in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
Help us recognise and reward those publishers who are helping your business! It will only take you a coupleofminutes. Go on, do it now, I am sure you know off the top of your head who are the best. Never fear, your nominations will remain fullyconfidential.
Please submit your nominations by Sunday 7 August, 2022 .
Once you submit your nominations that’s it. For any queries, please feel free to send an email to
If you are not an independent retailer and have received this, apologies, please ignore it.
Jakki Brown and Warren Lomax Directors and co-owners of Progressive Greetings