Jubilee Park - Henry Barrass Recreation Ground Improvements

CCTV is being installed in Jubilee Park and we are looking at other improvements to the park, focussing on an area that’s known as the Henry Barrass Recreation Ground.
Jubilee Park Map
1.Do you visit Jubilee Park Henry Barrass Recreation Ground? What’s the main purpose of your visit?
2.What would encourage you to use the park more?
Henry Barrass Recreation Ground Map Proposed Improvements
3.Would you use any of the following proposed improvements to Jubilee Park Henry Barrass Recreation Ground?
4.Do you have other comments you would like to make with regard to rejuvenating the Henry Barrass Recreation grounds and surroundings?
5.What is your age?
6.What is your gender?
7.What is your postcode?
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered