This is a 90-minute workshop for folk who want to get better at talking with people who aren't convinced that the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were morally wrong. The workshop will be held on Zoom and led by Peace News editor Milan Rai, author of Chomsky's Politics and War Plan Iraq.

If you'd like to attend the 9 June workshop, please fill this out by Friday 28 May. Places are limited, but this workshop will be repeated. A link for the workshop will be sent out on Saturday 29 May.

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Photo of what became later Hiroshima Peace Memorial among the ruins of buildings in Hiroshima, in early October, 1945, photo by Shigeo Hayashi. Unknown source, Public Domain,

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* 1. Please tell us your name

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* 2. What do you like to be called?

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* 3. What's your email address (so we can send you a link to the workshop)? And your phone number (in case we need to get in touch on the day)?

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* 4. If you're involved in a group, please tell us its name.

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* 5. Why do you want to come to this workshop?

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* 6. Have you ever been on a stall or other street event on Hiroshima Day or Nagasaki Day?

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* 7. If you have, and you've talked to people about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, how would you describe the conversations you've had?

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* 8. By the end of the workshop, what would you like to have achieved or learned?

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* 9. Could you say a little bit about your activist history? Have you been involved in the peace movement a long time?

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* 10. What would you like the workshop organisers to know about you - that might mean in terms of ethnicity and/or class and/or gender and/or disability and/or the pronouns you use – and/or some other aspect of you?

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* 11. Do you need any support in terms of taking part in a video Zoom call? Would you rather be audio-only – or phone into the workshop?

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* 12. Is there anything else you'd like to say?