Currently the only electronic charting products that meet SOLAS Chart Carriage requirements are ENCs used on an ECDIS (with appropriate backup arrangements) or paper chart. This leaves a gap on those ships wanting to navigate electronically using an ECS or required, by national law, to use ENC when navigating electronically.
As a hydrographic office, we would appreciate your organisation’s thoughts on this matter from the perspective of the region(s) your organisation manages. Your feedback will help us define and shape suitable solutions. 

Question Title

* Please state the full name of the organisation you work for.

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* Which country (or countries) is the organisation you work responsible for?

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* What geographical(s) region are you based in?
Please tick all that apply

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* To start with, it would be good to understand more about the relationship your organisation has with your maritime administrator (national regulator) – the organisation which is responsible for your flag state and/or port state regulations.

What is the name of your maritime administrator (national regulator)?

9% of survey complete.