It would really help us to know what you thought about the Inspire session. We would be so grateful if you could complete this brief survey. Thank you so much!

Question Title

* 1. Are you:

Question Title

* 2. What was your reason for attending? Tick all that apply. I’m a …

Question Title

* 3. Thinking about the children in your life with whom you hope to ‘raise faith’, how many are in each of these age groups? Please put a number in each box.

Question Title

* 4. If you attend church regularly, which denomination or stream is it associated with?

Question Title

* 5. How effective did you think each element was in encouraging and equipping you to nurture faith?

  Very useful Quite useful Not very useful Not useful at all Didn't access/use this bit
Video part one – introduction and Bible basis
Video – animation
Video part two – hurdles and four elements
General discussion questions
Using the discussion cards
Prayer activity with sweets or fruit

Question Title

* 6. How far do you agree with each of the following statements? If you’re a children/family/youth worker, church leader or volunteer worker – please answer in relation to your role influencing children.

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
I now have a greater realisation that it is my responsibility to nurture faith in my children
I feel more confident than before that I can nurture my children's faith
I now have a greater understanding of ways I could go about nurturing faith in my children

Question Title

* 7. Are you going to do anything differently as a result of this session? If yes,
what is it?

Question Title

* 8. Would you recommend Inspire to others?

0 - not at all likely to recommend 5 10 - certain to recommend
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 9. Is there anything else that you would like to feed back to us?

Thank you for your feedback!