Demystifying Request to Pay: An Industry Perspective

Request to Pay is an emerging payments service that promises benefits for merchants, banks, acquirers, billers and end consumers. It is becoming an increasingly popular value-added service for payments, with adoption under discussion in many global markets.

As banks start to consider and adopt Request to Pay, our industry survey will examine what falls within the scope of Request to Pay, what are its likely use cases and benefits, where the industry and banks stand on their adoption journey, and what the future holds.

This survey will take 5 – 10 minutes of your time and will support the creation of an eBook which we will publish before the end of the year. All responses will be held in strictest confidence.

We will make a donation to WeSeeHope for every completed survey to say thanks. If you would like us to share the eBook with you, please leave your name and email at the end of the survey. Thank you in advance for your participation.

Question Title

* 1. What best describes your job function?

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* 2. Which country are you based in?

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* 3. What type of organisation do you work for?

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* 4. What is the size of your organisation (assets)?

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* 5. Which types of payment does your organisation process/make? (Select as many as apply)

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* 6. Which statements describing Request to Pay services do you agree with? (Select as many as apply)

Question Title

* 7. Thinking specifically about new Request to Pay services for merchant and corporate clients, which of the following do you offer today or plan to offer in the future?

  Now Future No plans Don't know
Invoicing (B2B and e-invoicing)
Invoice financing
Payments reconciliation
Further digitalisation of corporate processes/integration into workflow systems (e.g. including an invoice attachment in payment request)
Automated collection of overdue payments/debts

Question Title

* 8. Thinking specifically about new Request to Pay services for retail customers (consumers), which of the following do you offer today or plan to offer in the future?

  Now Future No plans Don't know
P2P payments (family, friends, social group)
Charity payments (donations)
Bill payment – one-off
Bill payment, recurring contractual, can be variable amounts (e.g. utility; subscriptions; mobile phone contract)
Retail point-of-sale, e-commerce (browser or in-app)
Retail point of sale, in store (e.g. QR code)

Question Title

* 9. Which stakeholders stand to gain the most from Request to Pay? (Select as many as apply)

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* 10. Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Request to Pay will drive a move away from cards at point of sale
Request to Pay is a good alternative to direct debits
Request to Pay is dependent on open banking/PSD2
Request to Pay will become a de facto payment method
Request to Pay payments have a higher risk of fraud
Request to Pay needs to be more regulated
Request to Pay will make it harder to get a refund

Question Title

* 11. What are the most significant benefits that Request to Pay will deliver for end consumers? (Select as many as apply)

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* 12. What are the most significant benefits that Request to Pay will deliver for corporate customers? (Select as many as apply)

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* 13. What are the most significant benefits that Request to Pay will deliver for merchants? (Select as many as apply)

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* 14. What are the most significant industry challenges that need to be addressed for adoption of Request to Pay? (Select as many as apply)

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* 15. Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree 
The demand for Request to Pay payment options from retail customers is increasing
The demand for Request to Pay payment options from corporate customers is increasing
The demand for Request to Pay payment options from merchants is increasing
My organisation has a clear strategy to develop Request to Pay services
My organisation sees the potential for Request to Pay
My country is well advanced in its adoption of Request to Pay

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* 16. What are the primary drivers for adoption of Request to Pay at your organisation? (Select as many as apply)

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* 17. What are the biggest obstacles to adopting Request to Pay in your organisation? (Select as many as apply)

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* 18. Please select the statement that best describes your current position on Request to Pay?

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* 19. How will your organisation support Request to Pay services?

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* 20. Your details