Film Competition INTERNATIONAL 2024 - Entry Form (for non UK entries) |
This is the entry form for the International Film Competition. If you are entering the UK competition, please visit - www.childnet.com/film
Thank you for supporting the young people entering our international competition. We would not have a competition without your effort and dedication.
Deadline for entries = 5pm on Monday 22nd April 2024
There are 3 parts of the entry form to complete:
1. Contact information for the supervising adult.
2. A short evaluation.
3. Submitting the film(s). You can enter up to 10.
If you have more than 10 films, please fill this form out again with the remaining films.
Some quotes from the evaluation may be used in promotion of the Childnet Film Competition International. All quotes will be anonymous. If you do not wish your comments to be used in this way, please email international@childnet.com
For any questions regarding how long we will store and use your data please refer to the FAQs in The Childnet Film Competition International 2024 Pack.
If you are a young person who has made a film on your own, well done on making a film without adult support! Please speak to a parent, carer or teacher. You do need an adult to submit your film for you.