UKPHR Practitioner Verifier - Expression of interest

1.Please state your name. 
2.Please enter your email address
3.What is your job role?
4.Who is your employer?
5.Are you registered with UKPHR?
6.Please select your local scheme (the region your are employed in)
7.To become a UKPHR Verifier, you must be:

• A registered public health specialist with the GMC, the GDC or UKPHR, of good standing and to be in or have held a consultant or senior specialist post or a post of equivalent responsibility.
• StRs who are in the last 6 months of ST4, or in ST5. They may be able to use the verifier role to contribute towards some of their competencies.
• Those practitioners who are applying for Specialty Registration by Portfolio and have demonstrated they are working at or above this level, or those accepted onto a local scheme for support to develop SRbP.

Please can you confirm you meet the eligibilty criteria above.
As part of the UKPHR Verifier role, UKPHR provide Verifier training sessions which must be completed prior to assessing your first portfolio.

Please note the dates below for the upcoming Verifier training sessions.

  • 12th July 2023
  • 17th November 2023
8.Please confirm you are happy for UKPHR to pass your contact details on to local scheme coordinators.
Thank you for completing this form, we will be in touch shortly with next steps on becoming a UKPHR Verifier.