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Community Assets in Wales / Asedau Cymunedol yng Nghymru
What is the name of your social enterprise/community business/project?
Beth yw enw eich menter gymdeithasol/prosiect neu fusnes cymunedol?
Have you ever considered a community asset transfer?
Ydych chi erioed wedi ystyried trosglwyddo asedau cymunedol?
Yes / Do
No / Naddo
Did you proceed with the transfer? If not, what stopped you from doing so?
Oeddech chi wedi bwrw ymlaen â’r trosglwyddiad hwn? Os na, beth oedd wedi’ch atal rhag gwneud hynny?
What were the main challenges?
Beth oedd y prif heriau?
What worked well?
Beth oedd wedi gweithio’n dda?
What were the main lessons you’d share with others considering this route?
Oeddech chi wedi dysgu unrhyw wersi yr hoffech eu rhannu ag eraill sy’n ystyried gwneud hyn?
Could we share your experience in our response to the Senedd’s Housing and Local Government Committee’s inquiry into community assets in Wales?
A allem rannu’ch profiad yn ein hymateb i ymchwiliad Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai'r Senedd i asedau cymunedol yng Nghymru
Yes /Gallwch
No /Ni allwch