Exit Deaf Access Survey - Pembrokeshire. Thank you for taking the time to do this survey. Sign and Share Club works with local businesses, government departments, charities, and health providers to improve access for d/Deaf and hard of hearing people. Your experience is important to us. Please be honest. All results are anonymous. Question Title * 1. What type of venue did you visit? Business venue - Shop, garage, cafe, restaurant etc. Entertainment venue - theatre, cinema, concert etc. Health venue - Doctors, dentist, hospital, opticians etc. Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Did you feel welcome? Yes No Why? Question Title * 3. What was your experience of communicating with the staff? I could not communicate It was difficult but they tried It was ok It was easy. Why? Question Title * 4. Was there a loop system? Yes No If so, did you use it? Question Title * 5. How deaf aware do you feel the organisation is? Not deaf aware Some deaf awareness Very deaf aware Why? Question Title * 6. How would you describe yourself? Hard of hearing Deaf with speech Deaf - BSL Deafened Deafblind Other Question Title * 7. What is your age? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Done