Pet Loss Network - can you help us improve?
1. What brought you to this website today? Please tick all that apply.
Looking for information on animal end of life care
Looking for resources on pet loss
Looking for advice or support on pet loss
Conducting research into loss and / or animal end of life
Other (please specify)
1. What is your area of interest/ practice? Please tick all that apply.
I work in the veterinary sector
I work in loss and bereavement support
I work for an animal shelter / welfare agency
I am interested in pet loss
I am looking for support
Other (please specify)
1. Have you got (or had) animal companions in your life? Please tick all that apply.
Yes Cats
Yes Dogs
Yes. Rabbits/ Guinea Pigs / Hamsters
Yes Mice/ rats
Yes Ponies
I've never had pets.
Other (please specify)
1. How useful is the information provided here?
Moderately Useful
Not as Useful as I’d hoped
I was looking for something that’s not here
If you wanted something that's not here - please specify
1. Will the information provided here make you think differently about pet loss? Please tick all that apply.
It’s made me more aware of the complexities surrounding pet loss
I will think about changing some of my practices / approaches
I will use this information in my work practice
I will reflect more on how pet loss impacts different people in different ways
I will think more about how inequalities shape pet loss experiences
I will talk to others about pet loss
Other (please specify)
1. Is there information or resources you would like to see here? Please specify.