Literature Wales - Writer Data Collection

Literature Wales offers support and opportunities to writers across Wales. In order to make sure we're doing our best for you, it would be very helpful for us to be able to keep some of your personal data on record.
The form below asks you about the data we think would be useful to know about you and we'd be grateful if you could fill as much of this in as you feel comfortable with. You can leave any question blank if you want.
There are many ways in which this data will be useful including, but not limited to:
  • Keeping track of opportunities that writers have applied for, in order to make sure we offer suitable alternative support/signposting

  • Letting you know about projects you might be interested in/suitable for. For example, if a partner approaches us with an opportunity for Welsh-speaking poets based near Pembroke, we'll be able to forward that on to writers it's suitable for.
  • Keeping track of who has benefitted from Literature Wales' support and being able to report on this to our funders.
  • Sharing up-to-date contact details across our team.
Of course, in accordance with GDPR, we will store your data securely and only use it for legitimate business needs. We will never sell your data to third-parties.  

This means that we're not allowed to pass on your details, even if it's to an organisation that may want to offer you a workshop or commission. In order to make sure we can direct other organisations to you, we'd really recommend you sign up to our Writers of Wales Directory. We know it's yet another form, but it's free, easy and let's people interested in your work find you and get in touch.

You can unsubscribe from our mailings at any time, and can request the removal of your data from our database by contacting

Question Title

* 1. We use Survey Monkey for collecting our data. By consenting to sign up to our internal database and by submitting the form, you acknowledge that the information you provide will be transferred to Survey Monkey for processing, in accordance with Survey Monkey’s Privacy Policy. Your data will then be processed internally by Literature Wales. By consenting, you acknowledge that the information provided will be processed in accordance with Literature Wales’s policy, that you can view here

You can opt out at any time, and your information will be deleted within 30 days of request, by e-mailing

Contact Information & Demographic details

Question Title

* 2. Contact Details

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* 3. In which year were you born? (enter 4-digit birth year; for example, 1976)

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* 4. Please state your pronouns:

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* 5. Please state your gender:

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* 6. Please state your ethnicity:

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* 7. Do you live with a disability and/or chronic illness?

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* 8. If yes, please give details

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* 9. Would you describe yourself as coming from a low-income background?

This question can be quite tricky to answer.  When assessing applications for programmes specifically aimed at writers from low-income backgrounds, we use the following indicators to help us:
Attended state education
Received Free School Meals during their education
If the writer was in care, a refugee or asylum seeker, or a child carer
Occupation of parents aged 14 (i.e. unemployed, unskilled worker)

No one indicator necessarily provides the answer but might help you to think about your own situation.