BALR baseline survey Question Title * 1. What is your professional background? Discovery scientist (wet lab) Discovery science (data science) Discovery Scientist (methodology) Medical doctor Nurse Allied Health Professional/ Pharmacy Research Management Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What region of the UK do you work in Scotland Wales Northern Ireland North England Midlands East England London South east South/ South west England Question Title * 3. What is your career grade? Professor Associate Professor/ Reader Senior Lecturer Assistant professor/Lecturer Post doctorial researcher Technician PhD Student Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Who is your main employer? Academic organisation NHS organisation Industry Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Do you work full time or part time currently? Full time Part time Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Are you on an open ended or fixed term contract? Fixed Open ended Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. How long have you been working in Respiratory research? (please give the answer in years) Less than one year One year to three years Three years to five years Five years to ten years More than ten years Question Title * 8. Are you actively involved in a research project now? Yes No Question Title * 9. Is this a respiratory focused research project? Yes No N/A (if not involved in a research project) Question Title * 10. Have you been involved in a research project in the past 3 years? Yes No Question Title * 11. If yes, was this a respiratory focused research project? Yes No N/A (if not involved in a research project) Question Title * 12. For your most recent study, how were you involved? Lead applicant Co-applicant Named researcher Not named on grant but working on it N/A (if not involved in research) Question Title * 13. Was your most recent research externally funded? Yes (UKRI) Yes (NIHR) Yes (UK Charity) No N/A (not involved in research) Yes, Other (please specify) Question Title * 14. Have you had any formal research training (such as postgraduate degree?). Choose the highest that you have. Yes. PhD Yes. MD Yes. Masters Yes. Short courses None of the above Other (please specify) Question Title * 15. What made you get involved in respiratory research? (free text) Question Title * 16. What do you see as the main barriers to delivering respiratory focused research? (tick as many as you think applies) Funding Opportunities (being aware of grants that I could get involved in) Opportunities (being able to develop my own research ideas) Mentorship Training Research infrastructure support (including accessing equipment/ health data) Organisational support Other (please specify) Question Title * 17. Why did you join the BALR? (tick all that apply) Community Support and mentorship Advocacy for respiratory research Attending conferences Prizes and bursaries Reduced price membership of other societies Other (please specify) Question Title * 18. How long have you been a BALR member? Less than one year One year to three years Three years to five years Five years to ten years More than 10 years I am not a member of BALR Question Title * 19. Are you aware that the BALR is affiliated with the ERS and as a BALR member you can join the ERS at a discounted rate and have you used this benefit? Aware and made use of benefit Aware and have NOT made use of this benefit Not aware of this benefit Question Title * 20. Are you aware that the BALR is affiliated with the BTS and as a BALR member you can register for the BTS Winter Meeting at a discounted rate and have you used this benefit? Aware and made use of benefit Aware and have NOT made use of this benefit Not aware of this benefit Question Title * 21. Are you aware that the BALR Is affiliated with the RSB and as a BALR member you are eligible for a 25% discount on all training provided by the RSB and have you made use of this benefit? Aware and made use of benefit Aware and have NOT made use of this benefit Not aware of this benefit Question Title * 22. What other activities or services would you like to see BALR provide? (please add in free text) Question Title * 23. In your opinion, what is the single most important thing BALR could do to support you? (please add in free text) Done