Searching for Serenity 1:1 client feedback and satisfaction

We've worked together 1:1 but how are you, really?  This survey has been developed to get your feedback, figure out where I can improve and develop further - and if you had a positive experience, to help develop testimonials to help other people understand what it's like working with me.  Nothing here will be shared without your express permission and sign off, promise.
1.What is your name and title/organisation?(Required.)
2.Tell me about what was going on before you hired me.  What challenges were you facing?  What outcomes were you looking for?(Required.)
3.Had you tried to overcome this challenge on your own?  If so, how?(Required.)
4.What prompted you to work with me specifically?(Required.)
5.What did you like best about our work together?  What has it helped you with or changed for you?(Required.)
6.How has Searching for Serenity compared with other coaches or the other ways you tried to address these challenges before?(Required.)
7.How strongly would you recommend working with Searching for Serenity to a friend or colleague?(Required.)
8.What could I do or change to get to a 'definitely recommend to a friend' level?(Required.)
9.What didn't go so well or could have been improved (please be honest, it's iterative growth)(Required.)
10.Would you be happy for me to use the information you have provided here in a testimonial, to be used on my website, social media and in print?  I will draft up agreed statements using your answers and will get sign off or edits from you before publishing anything.(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered