Enstone Parish Council Survey 2023

This is a short survey to find out your views as a resident of Enstone Please respond by 17 November

1.For the maintenance of the verges within the 30 mph limits, Enstone Parish Council currently funds seven cuts per year of the Parish village greens, Parish Hall grounds and churchyard/cemetery, as well as the verges.

As part of Oxfordshire’s response to the climate and ecological emergencies, and to help halt local biodiversity loss by 2030, councils across Oxfordshire, guided by Plantlife and Oxford University, have now adopted a new approach to cutting verges. From 2023 onwards, Oxfordshire councils are cutting verges fewer times a year to allow the wildflowers and pollinators to flourish.  

Do you wish the Parish Council to:
2.Please indicate whether you knew -

The Enstone Relief in Need Charity (ERIN) aims, where possible, to help relieve individual situations of hardship within the Parish of Enstone. (Contact Mrs S Hamilton 01608 677156)

Grants are available for those living with a disability, helping parents with the cost of extra educational needs, and solving many everyday domestic emergencies after sickness, reduction in income or death.

Grants are not available to cover outstanding liabilities and no commitment can be made to repeat or renew a grant.
3.Recreation and Sports Facilities -

S106 monies for Enstone Parish Council include the following:-

£41,607.80 towards the enhancement and maintenance of community sport and recreational facilities – ideas for this include:-
4.£33,614.18 of S106 monies has been earmarked towards the enhancement and maintenance of play and recreation facilities – ideas for this include:-(Required.)
5.Did you know Enstone has allotments that can be rented from Enstone Relief In Need (ERIN).
(Contact Mrs S Hamilton 01608 677156)
6.Are there any obstacles currently preventing you from attending events at the Parish Hall?(Required.)
7.What events would you attend if they were held in the Parish Hall(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered