Trees for Cities is working with Friends of Kennington Park and Lambeth Council to improve the park. We want to know what park users and the local community think of the park. Your feedback is really important to us, please complete the questions below, it shouldn't take longer than ten minutes.

If you have any questions with regards to the survey or the work of Trees for Cities, please contact Zoe at or 02078204426

Question Title

* 1. How often would you say that you visit Kennington Park?

  Spring/Summer Autumn/Winter
4 to 6 times a week
1 to 3 times a week
A few times a month
A few times a year
Less often

Question Title

* 2. What do you usually do when you visit Kennington Park? (tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. How long do you typically stay in the park for?

Question Title

* 4. Who do you usually visit the park with? (tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. How far do you live away from Kennington Park?

Question Title

* 6. How would you rate the overall quality of the park as a place to visit?

Question Title

* 7. What, if anything, would you like to see changed to make future visits more enjoyable?

Question Title

* 8. Please rate the reasons you might choose to visit the park from 1 – 5 where 1 = not at all important and 5 = very important

  1   Not at all important 2 3 4 5   Very important Don't know
It's a place where I can relax and de-stress
It's a good place to socialise
It's a place I can feel more connected to nature
It's a place where the community comes together
It's a place I can be surrounded by trees
It makes this area a nicer place to live
It's a place where I can exercise and keep fit
It's a place where I can have fun and enjoy myself
It's an important place for wildlife

Question Title

* 9. Can you think of additional benefits that this site provides to you and/or the community?