Cricket 2020 - survey for parents and senior players

Help us make decisions for Summer 2020

We are able to offer nets and training sessions under certain limited conditions (net use conditions HERE, general training conditions HERE). To help us to make decisions we would like to know about likely take-up. Please spare 5 minutes to answer these questions. Responses by 15 June, please.
Any provision the club makes will be subject to government and ECB guidance as well as our own strict guidelines, in place to minimise any risk of spreading Covid-19. Any questions about coaching to Other questions to
1.Please give your name
2.If you are a senior player, which team(s) would you normally play for?
3.If you are responding as a parent, please indicate the age group(s) of your child/children
4.We are able to offer the nets for members of the same family, or for two people from separate families, under certain strict conditions, including having a club representative present (click HERE for details of booking and conditions). Are you interested in using the nets?
5.Are you able to volunteer as a club representative to enable wider use of the nets (in line with the conditions for net use HERE)
6.We are able to offer junior and senior members socially distanced cricket training sessions for up to six people (one coach and five players). You can read the ECB guidance HERE. Would you be interested in this?
7.If we are able to offer a wider coaching programme in August, we need to know what the demand might be. Would you be interested in this?
8.If it becomes possible for you or your child(ren) to play matches, would you be interested?
9.We will not be charging a membership fee this year, but we will invite donations. Do you agree with this?
10.Any coaching programme, net use or small group work is subject to the availability of coaches and support coaches. Would you be prepared to volunteer as a support coach?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered