Samaritans' Network for Local Campaigners

Are you campaigning in your local area to help prevent suicide? 

Would you like to join a virtual network of other local campaigners in England to share ideas and support one another? 
  • Get regular updates, resources and information from the Policy and Campaigns team at Samaritans 
  • Exclusive access to four free online training sessions each year, chosen by you and the rest of the network to meet your needs 
Add your details below to express interest in joining, and you’ll be notified if you’ve been accepted for the next group of the network. We will select people to reflect a range of different experiences, geographical spread, and the potential impact of your local campaigning to prevent suicide.

Please contact Emily Butler, Campaigns Officer, if you have any questions at
1.Are you free 6-8pm on both Thursday 15th February and Thursday 18th April?(Required.)
2.If you can’t do these dates - or aren't included in this round of recruitment - would you like to be contacted when we recruit to the next group in May?(Required.)
3.What’s your name? (Required.)
4.What’s your email address? (Required.)
5.Are you aged 18 or older? (Unfortunately this opportunity is only available if you are 18 or older) (Required.)
6.Do you have any accessibility requirements, or anything that would help make joining online meetings easier for you?
7.Please share your nearest Samaritans branch if you know what it is - or if not please share the name of your nearest town so we can look it up for you.(Required.)
8.In one or two sentences, what are you campaigning on in your local area to help prevent suicide? What is the change you’d like to see, and how are you trying to make that happen?(Required.)
As part of this network your own campaigning will still be totally independent from Samaritans. However we are unable to support anyone through this network if your local suicide prevention campaigning: 
  • Is party political (openly supports one political party over another) 
  • Talks openly about specific suicide methods or locations where someone has died
9.Can you confirm that the local suicide prevention campaigning you want to join this network to discuss and get support for doesn’t include any of the two areas above?(Required.)
We want to make sure the network reflects a range of people with different experiences and roles. Anything you share in this form will only be seen by relevant staff in Samaritans’ Policy and Campaigns team, and not shared any further.
10.Are you a Samaritans volunteer?
11.Do you have lived experience of feeling suicidal, attempted suicide, experience of self-harm or bereavement by suicide?
Thank you so much for your interest in Samaritan's Network for Local Campaigners. Please select 'Done' below and we will be in touch.