RWG Andrew Bamber Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Retail Market 2023-2024

So, it's that time of year again for you guys to vote for the RWG Andrew Bamber “Outstanding Contribution to the Retail Market” Award.
There has been lots of great work taking place in the RWG and the market, so it's time to recognise those contributions please.
To show recognition to those that have shown great drive and dedication to the cause, the RWG is asking you to vote. Who do you think has contributed the most to the Retail Market in 2023?
Past winners can be found
We're asking you to pick your top 3 contributors, with first place getting 5pts, 2nd 3pts and 3rd 1pt.
Participants must always choose 3 people in order, can only vote once, and cannot vote for someone within their own organisation.
Any votes not compliant with the rules will be discounted.
The RWG Steering Group will oversee the awards to ensure fairness and in case of a tie make the final decision.
So here is your chance to recognise three individuals who make the market work! The vote will close on Wednesday 29th May 2024.

Thank you 😊
1.Your name:(Required.)
2.What is your work email address?(Required.)
3.Please enter the name you wish to nominate for your first place (5pts).(Required.)
4.Please enter the name you wish to nominate for your second place (3pts).(Required.)
5.Please enter the name you wish to nominate for your third place (1pt).(Required.)
6.Please add any comments as to why you think your first choice deserves the award?