Avanti Schools Trust is the largest provider of high quality, Hindu-faith education in the country. Our growing number of schools include both primaries and secondaries, as well as Voluntary Aided and Free schools.

While each of our schools has a unique character all share in common a commitment to educational excellence, character formation and spiritual insight. Our aim is to provide a rounded, inclusive education and - while admissions criteria vary - all our schools are open to Hindus and non-Hindus and are committed to preparing pupils to play a full part in the diverse, multi-cultural world in which we live today.

The Trust has very strong community links, working closely with parents and grassroots organisations to promote new schools, and seeks positive partnerships with the local authorities within which we work.

Question Title

* 1. How old are your children?


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* 2. Which school(s), if any, do they currently attend? (full titles please)

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* 4. Please rank in order of importance - where 1 is most important and 9 least important - the factors that you will take/took into consideration when choosing a school for your eldest child

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* 5. Please use this box to tell us about any other criteria you may take into account or comment on the options above

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* 6. Which of the statements below most accurately reflects your situation

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* 7. Which of these statements most closely reflects your view of faith schools?

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* 8. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with any of the following statements about Avanti School Trust schools

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
They seem to have better teaching staff than most other schools
They don't reflect my form of Hinduism
I think they are on a par with private schools in my area
They seem to have better facilities than most other schools
I worry that they are exclusive and segregationist
I think they provide a higher quality of education than the vast majority of state schools
I think they are generally open and inclusive
I think they are likely to instil in pupils a strong moral code and excellent behaviour

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* 9. Please use this box to tell us more about your impressions of the Avanti Schools Trust

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* 10. From where do you get news about whats going on within the Hindu community (you can tick up to three boxes)

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* 11. If you have mentioned the Internet, national, local, religious or social media above, please tell us which sites or press in particular you use:

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* 12. I would

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* 13. If you have ticked any of the boxes above, please provide contact details below (this information will only be used for the purpose listed above and never be shared with third parties)

Question Title

* 14. Is there anything else you would like to tell us