PPROM care - survey 1 of 2  - see survey 1 here https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LJCRLTV
(PPROM is the medical word for when your waters have broken prior 37 weeks of pregnancy)

1.What gestation did you PPROM at?
2.Which hospital were you at?
3.Which Country are you based in
4.Were you happy or dissatisfied with your care PRIOR to experiencing PPROM in your PPROM pregnancy?
5.Were you happy or dissatisfied with your care DURING your PPROM pregnancy?
6.Were you happy or dissatisfied with your care AFTER your PPROM pregnancy?
7.What was your outcome ? 
8.Were you aware of the PPROM patient leaflets? 
see our website here for the link....
9.What changes if any, would you like to see to improve the care around PPROM in pregnancy?
10.Have you seen our petition? 
if you are able to help us obtain 100,000 signatures we would be very grateful 
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered