Congleton LGBTQIA+ Attitudes 2023

Thank you for completing this survey about attitudes to LGBTQIA+ people in Congleton

This survey consists of 6 questions where question 1 is 20 statements to comment on. It should take about 5-10 minutes to complete, and it is intended for people in the Congleton area who do not consider themselves to be part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

NOTE: If you are LGBTQIA+ yourself, please take our 'LGBTQ+ Community Survey' instead  
1.Please tell us if you agree with the following statements with regard to LGBTQIA+ people. ‘LGBTQIA+’ means people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender, intersex, non-binary gender or other non-confirming genders.(Required.)
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
I would not mind having a LGBTQIA+ friend.
Finding out that an artist was LGBTQIA+ would have no effect on my appreciation of their work.
I won't associate with LGBTQIA+ people if I can help it.
I would look for a new place to live if I found out my housemate was LGBTQIA+.
Being LGBTQIA+ is a mental illness.
I would not be afraid for my child to have a LGBTQIA+ teacher.
LGBTQIA+ people are more likely to commit criminal sexual acts such as child abuse.
I find it disturbing when individuals of the same sex hold hands or display affection in public.
I think there should be an ‘x’ gender on official forms for people who do not identify as male or female.
I see the Pride Movement as a positive thing.
Being LGBTQIA+, as far as I'm concerned, is not sinful.
I would not mind being employed by an LGBTQIA+ person.
LGBTQIA+ people should have treatment to cure them of being LGBTQIA+
I would be happy to be a member of an organization with LGBTQIA+ members.
Gender is determined by biological sex, and cannot be changed.
I would vote for a LGBTQIA+ person in an election for public office.
LGBTQIA+ people should not be allowed to be Police officers.
If I were a parent, I could accept my son or daughter being gay.
If my doctor were LGBTQIA+ I would like to find a new doctor.
Being LGBTQIA+ is just a lifestyle choice.
2.Do you think having an annual Pride Event is a positive thing for Congleton?
3.With respect to Congleton Pride 2022, what did you do?
4.Do you think Congleton is a good place for LGBTQIA+ people to live?
5.What is your gender? Are you
6.What is your age?
7.What is your religion?
8.Congleton Pride is always looking for volunteers. Would you like to help with events, administration or supporting the LGBTQIA+ community? If so, please give us your email address (Optional):
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