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Mountain Training is responding to calls from the bouldering wall industry to create a national indoor bouldering qualification. We wish to determine the potential demand across the whole sector. Currently the activity is covered by the Climbing Wall Instructor and Rock Climbing Instructor qualifications but these require candidates to be trained and assessed in roped climbing instruction. 

The proposal is for a supervisory qualification that would cover the safe management of novices which could then be used to access the coaching scheme qualifications. This survey is for current, past and prospective instructors. There is a separate survey for organisations, including their advisors.

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* 1. A little bit about you. Please tell us your name (optional)?

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* 2. Please tell us your age?

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* 3. Please tell us your gender?

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* 4. Do you, or have you in the past, instructed climbing activities?

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* 5. Please tell us if you have any climbing qualifications?

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* 6. Do you work for any organisations (as a professional or volunteer) that deliver indoor climbing activities?

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* 7. Please tell us about your instructional experience. How long have you been instructing any discipline of climbing?

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* 8. How often do you instruct climbing activities?

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* 9. What sort of participants do you work with?

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* 10. Please estimate the number of participants you would typically work with in a year?

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* 11. A national indoor bouldering qualification would need to train and assess the candidate's ability to work safely with participants in the full range of UK bouldering venues. They would also need to be able to operate independently without support from management. This would potentially require the training and assessment to be more involved than in-house schemes. 

Do you think such a qualification would be good to introduce to the sector?

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* 12. A national qualification scheme will have costs and requirements that in-house schemes may not. Candidates would need to log experience from a range of bouldering walls. Registration would typically cost about £50 and training and assessment courses would have costs depending on the length of the courses (£100-£250pp in total). 
Would you be interested in gaining such a qualification?

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* 13. The volume of content covered by the qualification will influence the prerequisites and the time and cost required for training and assessment. Where should a new bouldering qualification sit on the scale?

Safe supervision only. Easy access for anyone with some bouldering experience. Cheaper Advanced supervision, knowledge and teaching skills. Considerable experience and training required. More expensive
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 14. In addition to the safe management of novices (including risk assessment, planning, briefings, supervision, duty of care, liaising with parents/walls etc) what content would you like to see in the syllabus?

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* 15. If you already have an in-house bouldering qualification would you wish to gain a Mountain Training indoor bouldering qualification if your current experience was recognised? This could involve an application to be exempted from training but not from assessment.

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* 16. What do you see as the main attraction/advantages of a national qualification?

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* 17. Outdoor bouldering is currently covered by the Rock Climbing Instructor qualification. Do you feel that there is a need for a separate outdoor bouldering qualification to cover the safe supervision and basic teaching of bouldering?

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* 18. A national outdoor bouldering qualification would require candidates to have bouldered at a variety of outdoor venues and have assisted on a number of outdoor instructional sessions before assessment. There would be registration, training and assessment costs. Furthermore outdoor bouldering would require an AALA license if working commercially with U18s. 
Given these facts would you be likely to want to gain such a qualification?

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* 19. Thank you for your responses. Your feedback will help us design the best qualification scheme for the sector's needs. If you wish to add any more comments please use the box below:

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