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Young People's Webpage Survey

We would be very grateful if after using the MSA Trust Young People webpages you could complete the short survey below. This is so that we can provide the best information on MSA to people aged 11-17 in the future. Thank you so much for your time.

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* 1. How old are you?:

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* 2. Which of the following best describes your loved one with MSA:

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* 3. How did you find out about the MSA Trust?:

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* 4. How useful did you find the information on the webpages? (1 is not useful, 4 is very useful)

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* 5. Did you find the webpages easy to follow?

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* 6. Has this resource given you information that might help you manage things better?

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* 7. What information did you find the most helpful?

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* 8. Was there any other information that you wanted to know which is not on our website? 

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* 9. Did you find any parts of the webpages upsetting or distressing?

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* 10. Do you feel the images used are appropriate?

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* 11. After using the webpages, would you know where to go for further support?

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* 12. Do you have any other comments about the webpages for example, about the layout or the language used?

0 of 12 answered