Thinking about your recent experience of the health visiting service please answer the following questions

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* 1. Where was your appointment? Please tick all relevant boxes.

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* 2. What was the purpose of the Health Visitor contact today?

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* 3. How satisfied were you with the service you received?

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* 4. How useful was the information given to you by the health professional?

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* 5. Was the health professional able to answer all of your questions?

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* 6. Did the health professional arrive on time, within the time slot stated ?

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* 7. Did the health professional inform you when your next contact from the service will be?

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* 8. How would you describe your health professional? Please tick all that apply

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* 9. Please tell us the name of your Health Professional so that we can provide feedback (optional)

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* 10. Do you know how to contact the service?

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* 11. Did you receive information about:

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* 12. To help us plan future health services please consider the following options and choose the ones you feel would be most useful to you.

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* 13. Thinking about our health visiting service overall how was your experience of the service

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* 14. Please tell us about anything that we could have done better

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* 15. "During pregnancy and beyond you met a number of different professionals including midwives, GP's Health Visitors and Family Hub Practitioners. You might also have received help from other services in Gateshead. 
How well did we work with other services to meet the needs of you and your family?